Courtney L. Zietzke – Mercury The Winged Messenger
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Courtney L. Zietzke – Mercury The Winged Messenger [ 1 ebook – 1 pdf ]
This book will begin to answerquestions about what many will eventually call the worst medical tragedy inmodern medical history. The corrupt political system that has tried to protect and cover up the facts about this atrocity has only begun to show its evil face. This book tries to answer questions about why “Autism” has exploded intoa national epidemic.
This national tragedy could haveand should have been avoided.
These afflicted children need help.
The establishment(s) that causedthis tragedy have been unsympethic,evasive and full of legal denials.
This book deals with the truthand will anger many people as a result.
Mercury is one of natures most toxic poisons.
Why was thispoison intentionally injected into our children–.?
5 Star Amazon Reviews “This book tells the truth about the AUTISM-MERCURY POISONINGtradegy that has swept through the USA and the U.K. in recentyears. This book is a MUST read for all parents !!
A GREAT BOOK that documents this tragedy with uncontestedfacts about our vaccine injured children. “”The subject in this book is complex that has turned political.
The Author is a father who watched his son slowly being turned into a semi vegetable…….I suspect a lot of parents experienced similiar horrors with their children. “Autism” / Mercury Poisoning is now a flow blown epidemic.This international tragedy is a huge story that had to be told
.I think the Author did the general public a great service in providing a lot of the answers. The documentation is excellent and the overall structure of the book is very good.
What I really liked was the fact that the Author is not a professional writer, but a regular father that told a true story that came from the gut. I appreciated the effort.
Great Job !! “About the AuthorMrCourtney Zietzke is a 42 year old financialaccountant from Seattle, WA.
¿¿ Over the last three years Mr. Zietzke has done extensive research into the causes of whatmany call “Autism.”
¿ His opinions in thisbook are substantiated with proven facts and direct uncontested evidence.
¿ Mr. Zietzke likethousands of concerned parents wanted answers into what went wrong and mostimportantly why did this national tragedy have to happen.
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