HFL- SynerStretch- Total Body Flexibility Program
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HFL – SynerStretch – Total Body Flexibility Program [1 VHS- Rip]
If you are still as a board and cannot touch ur toes, yet dream of doing the splits- this is the course for you.
If you are in sports or marital arts and are already flexible- this is the course for you as well.
In fifteen minutes a day you really can improve your flexible to top level. This helped my years ago when I first was working to be able to get into full side splits.
There is a great talk on how flexibility works, partner and solo drills, alternate day to day programs, advance and basic levels of the exercises and more! Its easy to do and effective beyond what other courses could hope to offer. This is one of the great HFL (Health for Life) VHS tapes that is sadly now out of print and not often for sale. Get it here at TPclick! This is truly amazing. Don’t take my word for it! Listen to random ppl on the Internet (Amazon) tell you all about it! Amazon reviews:Quote:Health For Life is a group of medical doctors and sports physiologists that constantly researches on the structures of the human body and on exercises that will improve these structures within the shortest amount of time possible. Synerstretch is the result of Health For Life’s research on the flexibility of tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Synerstretch is a stretching program that applies the principle of synergism to flexibility-increasing exercises. Synergism, by the way, is the Health For Life-founded principle of strategically interlacing certain exercises together in an exercise routine in order to produce maximally efficient workouts. If you were to use conventional stretching routines for the purpose of increasing your body’s flexibility, it may take you up to a year or so before you would start to see results. Yet, by completing the exercises in the order and style in which Synerstretch prescribes, you should be able to increase the flexibility of your entire body within a matter of months. Best of all, this workout can be done in less than 10 minutes a day. Such a time-efficient program is perfect for a martial artist who, like me, has a very busy lifestyle. My only complaint about this book is its high pricing. For a program that can be committed to memory within a half-hour, I advise that you buy an old copy of this book, read it, and sell it to someone else. All in all, Synerstretch is exercise science at its very best! ….I spent hundreds of hours to research stretching. I am in my 40s and practiced martial arts for years and was never flexible. After using synerstretch for 2 weeks, I started getting huge gains in flexibility. The book is really a thin pamphlet which is difficult to find. Save the time and don’t research stretching, just get your hands on this book and do synerstetch A and B on alternate days and YOU WILL get Flexible at any age. Amazing process that worked when nothing else did for the last 30 yearsThe author and developer, makes another great routine. It is simple and very powerful. The best stretch program I’ve used because it is can either increase or maintain flexibility under your control. I’m very pleased… with my 3rd copy… hard to hold on to.
This is an excellent video. Professioanlly filmed and edited. No home amateur job. It compliments the book synerstretch. I am glad I bought this several years ago now that Health for Life no longer is actively selling its products.One of the best sretching videos out there. All of health for life’s courses and books were first rate. They need to come back.
I loathe to say “If there I just one product you need its this” I would put this one near or at the top however. I got the VHS (ultra rare and you don’t want to know what I paid) and ripped it and the PDF has been on the net for sometime now. I was willing to pay $50 for a rare paper copy of the book- I dig it that much! This is about passive and isometric stretching and is very, very effective. The video is where the meat of the info is and if you do as they day you WILL get flexible in a matter of months. The PDF is a nice review but the video was made later and has more info and more depth to it. Technical note: The audio pops in a few places. Its still watchable but if you want the raw MPEG I used (VHS to MPEG to 700MB rip) I will up it. The picture quality is the same but the MPEG audio is smooth as glass (no pops). Let me know in the comment section.
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