Entheos Academy – How to Accelerate Your Life Excellence with Stephen McGhee
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Entheos Academy – How to Accelerate Your Life Excellence with Stephen McGhee [WebRip – 1 MP4]
Stephen McGhee holds a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, created a Coaching Prosperity School, and runs The Aconcagua Man Project and wrote Climb to Freedom.
How to Accelerate Your Life ExcellenceI want you to take a minute right now and imagine your life one year from today. I mean really imagine it one year from today. What do you want to be different? What if you could apply ten big ideas to achieve those things? Life will throw all of us some curve balls along with some victories, just for playing the game. You may find like most of us that one year from now, your life will likely be pretty much the same as it is right now. And of course, there may be nothing wrong with that. Unless you are like me. I prefer to create my life with velocity and excellence. I thrive on the process of becoming a better human-being and applying the most powerful principles of Spiritual Leadership on the planet. I have enjoyed sharing these concepts with thousands of people over the last 25 years and quite simply, they work. These tools, when applied, allow a person to literally accelerate changing the trajectory of their entire life. These ideas are for you if you are a person that does not want to limit yourself in terms of possibility. Simply put, you are interested in being Upwardly Mobile. Life is juicy for you, because you know that the obstacles in life can actually catapult you to a velocity of result that is uncommon to most people in the world today. In fact, lots of people today are just flat out cynical and living a life of fear. That is not necessary for any of us. Therefore, this session is devoted to assisting you and others in accelerating toward a life of excellence. Ready to put the pedal to the metal? The Top 10 Big Ideas
1 Accelerate Your Awesome Clarity Clarity toward your life excellence is super powerful. In every study on dream achievement there are only between 3 to 5% of people in North America who actually know what they want. That means 95% of us don’t care that much about our goals. That’s simply silly. And guess what? Getting clear is easy, fun and makes decisions 1001 times easier.
2 Accelerate Putting the Brakes On Guess what the most important word in all of the English language is? No, it is not Pizza. The word that will create velocity toward your heartfelt dream more than any other word is NO. No, thanks, can’t make coffee with you tomorrow. I think you get the point. And as you get better at NO, the Yes’s of your life will be excellent beyond compare.
3 Accelerate Listening to Your Inner Yoda Yoda, says, “Don’t try, just do” and I always felt like that was sage advice. However, the greatest advice you will ever get is from You. Does anybody know you, better than you know yourself? I doubt it. Now, you may not be listening to your Inner Yoda and today will shift all that.
4 Accelerate Doing the Little Things Do the little things right now. Many of us are waiting until we feel like paying the parking ticket. Let’s be real. I know you have every right to be angry that your meter was only 3 minutes over at the Starbucks. And every second that ticks by steals your beautiful creativity. I have a fantastic and amazing trick for you on this. But you gotta listen to the magic of this session to get it.
5 Accelerate Cleaning Up Your Potty Mess Living an excellent life means you are going to mess up. Probably more than most people. When we make mistakes, we often know it. It sits inside of us like a bad sauerkraut meal. And the cool thing is, you can create velocity in your life by owning your “bad” fast. The faster the better. The one’s that sit around and take longer, start to get stinky. This principle requires some steadfast vigilance. Vigilance being the optimal ingredient for freedom.
6 Accelerate Who You Are Being Now Be the best that you can be. No, this is not an Army advertisement. However, it is true that you can Be who you want to be right now. I will show you how you can create the very person you want to be as an excellent, hip, awesome, life leader today. I promise.
7 Accelerate Your Down Time No matter how good you are at forward motion, you will likely have some downer days. Days where nothing really seems to make sense. My big hairy audacious goals are more hairy than audacious. This program will show you some really quick ways to limit the time you are down, so the greater momentum of your life carries you forward.
8 Accelerate Your Spiritual Leader How does God play into being excellent? Well, depending on your very own definition of God, He/She has a lot do to with your amazing life. While I refuse to wax poetic on religiosity, I will share some fantastic ideas on how Your God can assist you in playing at high speed. I will give you a hint on this one. Attunement to the Your Big Chief gives you tons of power. The question now is, how do I become attuned?
9 Accelerate Your Podium for Truth Lots of us Leadership guys use words like integrity like most people use Kleenex in the winter. I believe integrity is an endemic quality to your most excellent Self. Further, once you know your personal truth, it’s time to get the podium and do some sharing with others. Why? Because it will assist you in staying true to your own integrity. This ensures excellence and velocity all in the same concept, so you get double points on this one. To get extra credit, I will tell you how to set up your own Board of Integrity.
10 Accelerate What You Deserve Most of us are working very hard for what we think we deserve. See, I think there is a problem with that. If I can only accomplish what I think I deserve, I will probably have to work a lot harder to deserve it. And the wheel goes round and round. If you want off the merry go round, consider the concept of getting what is not deserved as a way of excellence. I am not suggesting you don’t work hard. I am suggesting you deserve more than you might believe you do. This concept, when taken to heart, increases velocity with high octane personal power.
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