Module 1: Understanding the Power of Energy So You Can Direct It & Manifest the Life You Want
Most people don’t understand what energy truly is.
As your journey through this course begins, Dee will explain that energy is all there is. Energy is everything. We are energy…
Yet, we often claim, “I don’t have any energy!” It’s not possible. You are energy.
As Dee will explain, energy must be directed consciously — otherwise it will take direction from your subconscious, your childhood fears, social media, TV etc.
Module 2: How Religion Thwarted the Direction of Energy — Harnessing Your Free Will to Create Your World
Dee will explain how, if you search God’s words in the Bible, He invites us to perform even more miracles than he does! He says to us, “I want to give you all the desires of your heart.”
Have you ever asked yourself when those statements somehow morphed into messages like, “You have no power, you are not even worthy to sit at the feet of God. God loves the poor more than the rich. You shouldn’t have more than you need”?
These falsehoods began when the popes and the kings realized that if we knew we were powerful and could direct energy, they’d no longer have all the power. They wouldn’t be able to accrue the land they desired, build up their coffers, and rule over everyone.
For instance, money isn’t evil and has no consciousness of its own. It’s simply a means of an exchange of energy. Your consciousness decides what to do with money. Indeed your consciousness directs whether your power is used for good and enlightenment, or for bad and retribution.
Module 3: The Power of Love — Finding Your Love Place to Connect With Everything You Want
As Dee will explain, the most powerful state in creation is to be love — and use the power of love in your creation process.
Unconditional, Divine Love is the most powerful creation tool you have, although there are many misunderstandings surrounding it…
For instance, you may have been taught at an early age that loving yourself is egotistical and selfish. That’s not true!
You’ll also discover how most people actually hate what they don’t have. For example, while you’re trying to manifest your best life during times of financial difficulty, you’re likely (unintentionally) sending out signals that you actually hate money, because you so closely associate it with stress.
Whatever you wish to create in this life, Dee will help you love the amazing new relationship you’re creating with it.
Dee will teach you to find what she calls your love place — and positively connect everything you want to that feeling in your love place.
Module 4: The Power of Relationships in Everything You Create — Improving All the Relationships in Every Area of Your Life
You have a relationship with everything in your life — including money, your body, success, and of course, with people.
Dee will explain how all these relationships dovetail and affect each other — for example, it’s difficult to make money if you’re not healthy enough to work. This makes your relationship with each part of your life very important in your manifestation process.
Dee will also guide you to ask, How much do I love myself? Are you a match to everyone and everything you wish to be in a relationship with?
Module 5: The Power of Health — Creating a Healthier Body & Life
When anything related to your health and wellness is out of balance, your manifestation skills will suffer.
Work becomes a greater challenge when you don’t feel well, for example, and your happiness and joy are affected too.
When you’re subconsciously fighting yourself, as so many of us are, you move out of the state of good health. For instance, if you believe you have to put your own wellbeing on the backburner to care for others — a prominent belief, especially among women — it creates a conflict in your self-love, and illness results.
Conversely, living in a state of radiant good health creates greater possibilities in all areas of your life.
As with everything, the more you love yourself, the more your health responds.
Module 6: The Power of Money in All Creation
Money is an exchange of energy.
Money has no consciousness — yet what your consciousness does with, or for, money directs it to its manifestation.
As Dee will explain, you’re in a relationship with money. Like all relationships, that begins within you. You won’t give yourself money if 1) you do not love yourself and 2) you do not love money.
So, how do you love money? You choose to.
If you’re like most people, you have many limiting beliefs around giving yourself permission to choose money.
Dee will help you learn to believe that your consciousness and love will handle the money that comes to you in a way that’s best for everyone.
You’ll reflect on 1) what you were taught or what was modeled to you about money by your family, religion, society, and friends and 2) any limiting beliefs around money that need to be redirected by you now… so you can create the financial wealth and abundance you desire!
Module 7: The Factors for Manifesting Success
As you move into your final class, Dee will explain how the parts of life you’ve learned about so far in this course must be in harmony and alignment to create success.
Success is often defined as “making it in our chosen field.” Yet success must include balance, joy, satisfaction, and choice in your life.
Dee will share that success is when your masculine and feminine energies work together in perfect balance…
For instance, you might sometimes think you must push to make things happen, which is an overly masculine perspective.
Other times, you might believe you must be soft and passive, which is out of balance toward the feminine side.
As Dee will explain, success in any endeavor only happens when the feminine (your intuitive, nurturing side) and the masculine (your take-action-and-get-it-done side) are in balance — and they come together in a balance of harmony and creation.
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