Creative Arts Therapies and Addictions: A Mindful Approach
Archive : Creative Arts Therapies and Addictions: A Mindful Approach
Applicable for self-help and mental health professionals.
(10.75 self-study, continuing education contact hours for LCATs in New York State)
In this course, we will explore the concept of “attachment hunger,” and how this is the root of many addictions, including both ingestive (food, drugs, alcohol) and non-ingestive addictions (hoarding, sex addiction, love addiction, workaholism, gaming addictions, etc.).
Broken up into 7 digestible lessons, topic areas include:
- Attachment and Complicated Grief
- Families and Addiction
- Brain Chemistry and Attachment Hunger
- Brain Basics
- Attachment Styles and Addiction
- Personality Traits and Prevention
- Change Models and Mindfulness in Art Therapy
Much of the material discussed is derived from Ms. MacWilliam’s first edited publication, Complicated Grief, Attachment and Art Therapy: Theory, Treatment and 14 Ready-to-Use Protocols, currently available for pre-order on Amazon.
Each lesson consists of:
- A written description
- Between 1-3 video lectures
- A guided meditation
- A creative arts therapy directive and video tutorial
Participants of this course will be able to:
- Identify two traits that put a person at higher risk for addiction.
- Identify two dysfunctional characteristics of a family system struggling with addiction.
- Identify two signs of an addictive relationship.
- Identify one activating strategy for an anxious-ambivalent attachment style.
- Identify one de-activating strategy for an avoidant attachment style.
- Identify two stages of the Transtheorhetical Model for Change.
In purchasing this course, you will receive all 1 lesson “dripped” every 7 days, to allow for maximum absorption and retention. Once all lessons have been made available, you can access them whenever you want, for all time!
If you are interested in continuing education contact hours…
This course is currently offering 10.75 self-study, continuing education contact hours, for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists in New York State.
In order to obtain these contact hours you will need:
- To complete all Lesson modules (there is a tracking system that monitors if you watched all lectures to their completion and opened all lesson modules, etc.).
- To complete a course evaluation through Survey Monkey.
- To complete a graded learning assessment (you must answer at least 75% of the questions correctly; this score will trigger the release of your certificate by email).
A reminder about self-study and continuing education:
For LCATs in New York State, a self-study course can only equal 1/3 of the required contact hours for your license renewal. So, if your license renews in three years, you will require 36 continuing education contact hours, thus a maximum of 12 of those hours can be self-study. The rest of your contact hours must be live events. This includes online webinars, which will be offering on a monthly basis, starting in February of 2017. All enrolled students will be updated on new live and self-study course launches. So keep an eye out for our newsletter!
If you are still not sure…
Scroll down this page to view the full course curriculum. Lesson one offers a free preview, to give you a taste!
If you have any problems or technical difficulties, please contact Briana MacWilliam at [email protected]. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists. (#CAT-0014.)
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