Robert R.Trippi, Efrain Turban – Neural Networks in Finance Investing

Robert R.Trippi, Efrain Turban – Neural Networks in Finance Investing

Robert R.Trippi, Efrain Turban – Neural Networks in Finance Investing

Robert R.Trippi, Efrain Turban – Neural Networks in Finance Investing

Price: $25

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This completely updated version of the classic first edition offers a wealth of new material reflecting the latest developments in teh field. For investment professionals seeking to maximize this exciting new technology, this handbook is the definitive information source. Review

This is a revised and expanded edition of the first-ever book focusing on financial applications of neural networks. This widely-acclaimed classic provides portfolio managers, institutional investors, bankers, and analysts with a comprehensive and fascinating introduction to this important technology and numerous insights into its most effective use. The promise of computers has always been their ability to extend the capacity of human mental processes. Nowhere is that promise more fully realized than in neural networks and in no field are the implications of greater economic significance than finance.


It belongs on the bookshelf of every financial analyst and investment manager. — The Journal of Portfolio Management

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