Ludmila I.Kuncheva – Combining Pattern Classifiers
Price: $25
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Description A unified, coherent treatment of current classifier ensemble methods, from fundamentals of pattern recognition to ensemble feature selection, now in its second edition The art and science of combining pattern classifiers has flourished into a prolific discipline since the first edition ofCombining Pattern Classifiers was published in 2004. Dr. Kuncheva has plucked from the rich landscape of recent classifier ensemble literature the topics, methods, and algorithms that will guide the reader toward a deeper understanding of the fundamentals, design, and applications of classifier ensemble methods. Thoroughly updated, with MATLAB code and practice data sets throughout, Combining Pattern Classifiers includes:- Coverage of Bayes decision theory and experimental comparison of classifiers
- Essential ensemble methods such as Bagging, Random forest, AdaBoost, Random subspace, Rotation forest, Random oracle, and Error Correcting Output Code, among others
- Chapters on classifier selection, diversity, and ensemble feature selection