Elias G.Carayannis – Diversity in the Knowledge Economy & Society
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Diversity in the Knowledge Economy and Society
Heterogeneity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Science, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship series
Edited by Elias G. Carayannis, Professor of Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, School of Business, George Washington University, US, Aris Kaloudis, Gjovik College University and Åge Mariussen, NIFU STEP Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, Oslo, Norway
The key message of this book is that heterogeneity should be seen as an
intrinsic and indispensable element of knowledge systems. The authors
address the concept of heterogeneity in a multi-disciplinary fashion,
including perspectives from evolutionary economics and innovation system
studies, and relate this approach to existing theories in a broad range of