E.S.Gopi – Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications Using Matlab
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The Algorithms such as SVD, Eigen decomposition, Gaussian Mixture Model, HMM etc. are scattered in different fields. There is the need to collect all such algorithms for quick reference. Also there is the need to view such algorithms in application point of view. Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications using MATLAB attempts to satisfy the above requirement. Also the algorithms are made clear using MATLAB programs.
From the reviews:
“The presented book is devoted to the realization of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms, using Matlab. … The book is written in such a way that it is suitable for non-mathematical readers and is very much suitable for the beginners who are doing research in Digital Signal Processing.” (Tzvetan Semerdjiev, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1189, 2010)