Deborah M.Kolb – Her Place at the Table A Woman’s Guide to Negotiating
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Advice for women from women for negotiating their own leadership careers
This is a practical guide for any woman dealing with a demanding role. Drawing on extensive interviews with women leaders, the authors isolate five key challenges: Intelligence; Backing; Resources; Buy-In; and Making a Difference. The three expert authors reveal what women have to teach us about the challenges and opportunities of leadership. As Tom Peters said of this book, “Women roar . . . . will help individual women negotiate what they need to success as leaders and help their firms support them in their efforts. That way we all win!”
- Describes five key actions for leadership success: Drill Deep, Start from Strength, Assemble the Building Blocks, Gather Momentum, and Make Your Mark
- Filled with prescriptive advice and a wide range of approaches for helping women with leadership challenges
- Includes a section written for organizations – the steps companies can take to support women leaders.
The book discusses high-profile women leaders including Ann Moore (CEO of Time Inc.), Ann Mulcahy (CEO of Xerox), and Harvard’s Rosabeth Moss Kanter.