Belinda Mucklow – CFA Core Video on Financial Statement Analysis

Belinda Mucklow - CFA Core Video on Financial Statement Analysis

Belinda Mucklow - CFA Core Video on Financial Statement Analysis

Belinda Mucklow – CFA Core Video on Financial Statement Analysis

Price: $25

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Belinda Mucklow – CFA Core Video on Financial Statement Analysis     Major areas of interest is financial accounting and valuation with specializations in financial statement analysis, securities analysis, investment banking and valuation. Teach courses in specialties and related areas to business and law students. She has also presented seminars to marketing, finance, and accounting executives on such topics as: valuation, CFA exam review, capital budgeting, economic value added, financial statement analysis, security valuation, and open book management. as a consultant and/or expert witness on several cases involving business valuation and the effects of accounting fraud. Belinda Mucklow is a faculty member at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Wisconsin. Previously she was Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Chicago, teaching in the MBA Program. Her major area of interest is financial accounting, specializing in financial statement analysis, security analysis, and valuation. Belinda has taught courses in her specialties and related areas to business and law undergraduates, graduates, and executive MBAs. She has also presented seminars to marketing, finance, and accounting executives on such topics as: valuation, capital budgeting, economic value added, financial statement analysis, security valuation, and open book management. Dr. Mucklow has worked as a consultant and/or expert witness on several cases involving, among other things, business valuation and the effects of accounting fraud.  

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