Scott Hoover – Stock Valuation
Price: $25
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A practical look at the valuation models used by Wall Street Veteran consultant and educator Scott Hoover analyzes the limitations and idiosyncrasies of major valuation models. He examines the time value of money, cash flow analysis, discount rates, and other tools, and describes how money managers and bankers apply them to valuation Discover underpriced stocks before your competition does Successful investing is about beating market benchmarks. To do this, you need to know how to identify, evaluate, and invest in mispriced stocks. Stock Valuationprovides you with a hands-on examination of Wall Street’s most widely practiced valuation models, focusing on the theoretical underpinnings of those models and how they perform when applied to actual trades in the marketplace. Accessible to sophisticated investors and indispensable for investment professionals, Stock Valuation features:- Step-by-step examination of the building blocks of accurate valuation, leading to the construction and implementation of a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model
- An instructive chapter-by-chapter valuation study of an actual company, providing examples of each concept applied in a real-life situation
- Strategies drawn from three investment professionals who have outperformed the markets over extended periods of time–Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and legendary mutual fund manager Bill Miller
- A detailed look at of the investing community’s most popular valuation models–the Malkiel model, the DCF model, LBO analysis, trading comparables, and transaction comparables
- Examination of a company’s three main financial statements–the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows–and how to accurately interpret what each is saying
- “Time value of money” equations for assessing any stock or issue in virtually any investment situation
- Techniques for first measuring risk and converting that measure of risk into a corresponding required return
- Two approaches for forecasting future growth and free cash flows, one more comprehensive and the other more situation-specific